More Updates...
I really Apologize for the lack of updates.... I intended to make this blog for all facets of art, and for different types of artists to get help for their Craft, because I believe That everyone should have help in their craft. The fact of the matter is, however, I am an artist in my carft as well, and It keeps me quite busy. Also, While I am trying my best to provide information on all the different Aspects of art, I am only one person as of right now, so plenty of the articles lately tend to lean toward music, although that just so happens to be most of the Type of Articles I have been finding lately. I will try to Spread out the article to different types of art, not just music.
Also, If you are interested in helping me out over here at Media Frontline, I would be more than happy to have you here. This is just a support blog for artists, made by artists. Simply Sent an Email to the Contact EMail in the contact box under the whole lot of the articles. I would love people who do different types of art, such as screenwrite, direct films, Do graphic design, and Even WRite books and blogs. Yes, Blogs.
I didn't leave you musicians out either. You are welcome to help out as well. Also, I something special for you guys. I have a drop box for everyone that wants to submit mp3s for us to review and promote. I will also keep you guys updated on Compilation CDs available for submitting your work and possibly getting stuff on Itunes and different Online and Pysical Retailers for free. As far as retaining the rights and getting royalties for the placement, it will vary, depending on who is releasing the Comp CD. If I do a Comp CD for the different submissions on Here, I will state the fine print when I open the box up for Comp submissions. It will be different everyimte; Sometimes It will be a Free Download, Sometimes I will ask the submissions to be donations for a Compilation to go to a specific cause, such as a Compilation to raise money for awareness for a charity.
I am Working on a simpler way for everyone else to Submit their art. Until then, Emailing the Art to us will have to do. You will retain all the rights, for those of you who are worried about that.
Keeping Creating!
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