This Blog Is Dedicated to Help Struggling Artist Take a Firm Grasp on their Medium and Succeed In Their Craft. We will Daily Post Articles, Links, and Interviews Helping Other Artists in their field, whether it be Music, Film, Writing, Acting, etc.

We are here to arm you with the weapons of knowledge necessary to prevail in the cutthroat business of your craft, while still being true to your art.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Choosing A Career In Music

This Is a Very Difficult Thing to do at times, because you KNOW you want a Career in Music. You LOVE music. But, You don't know how to play. Don't Fret. has the Answers for you in this article:

Click Here.

Don't Forget, Musicians, That you can Submit Your Songs Here For a Free Review!!

Send me your track

Don't Stop Creating!!


Potential SAG Strike Update

Heath McKnight Over at ScreenRant Posted this Article on Information about the possiblity of a SAG strike in the near future.

Click Here.

Subscribe to ScreenRant For the latest on Breaking Movie News!


Artists Helping Artists Spotlight: Alan Baltes

This Guys Does what I aim to do, but specifically for Actors. His Blogs give any Aspiring Actors a SERIOUS head start in persuing Their Career. Here's the Bio from his Blogs:

I have worked in the Entertainment Industry as long as I can remember. I have been a member of the Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists for over 23 years.

Visit His Various Blogs, Depending on what you wish to accomplish as an Actor/Actress:

The Los Angeles Actor's Guide

He Also Offers Consultation By Email for a very small fee. Go to any one of the blogs above for More Information.

Thanks Alan, For Being an Artist helping Artists!!!


How do Non-Musicians Listen to your Songs?

This question often plagues me, leaving me sleepless most nights (Not really, But I do Lose sleep due to the craft). This Article from the snazzy site Serve the Song, should quell all your quandaries on the subject.

Click Here.

Check out the Blog as a Whole, as It's a Real Great Place to Find Music Related Help, Especially for D.I.Y Musicians, paving their own way.

This Article was found by way of KnowthemusicBiz.Com

Check Them out as well. If your a Musician, You can easily find most questions answered over there.

Musicians!! Don't Forget to Submit your Songs for a Free Review of your Work, Useful for presskits, and things of that nature. If we Like your work enough, we'll even interview you!!!

Send me your track

Keep on Creating!


Open casting Calls in OR and CA for CBS film on 03/29

If you're in the area Of Portland,OR or Beverley Hills,CA , Casting Director
Danny Stoltz is holding an open casting call March 29 for extras, featured roles, stand-ins and photo doubles for a feature film.

Go to Alan Baltes's Blog, Open Casting Calls, For Full Details.

Don't Forget to Subscribe to Alan's Blog, as Well. He has a great Acting Blog, useful for those who are looking for Acting Career Ops, but don't have an Agent. He also Offers Consulting for a small fee. Go to his blog for Details.


More Updates...

I really Apologize for the lack of updates.... I intended to make this blog for all facets of art, and for different types of artists to get help for their Craft, because I believe That everyone should have help in their craft. The fact of the matter is, however, I am an artist in my carft as well, and It keeps me quite busy. Also, While I am trying my best to provide information on all the different Aspects of art, I am only one person as of right now, so plenty of the articles lately tend to lean toward music, although that just so happens to be most of the Type of Articles I have been finding lately. I will try to Spread out the article to different types of art, not just music.

Also, If you are interested in helping me out over here at Media Frontline, I would be more than happy to have you here. This is just a support blog for artists, made by artists. Simply Sent an Email to the Contact EMail in the contact box under the whole lot of the articles. I would love people who do different types of art, such as screenwrite, direct films, Do graphic design, and Even WRite books and blogs. Yes, Blogs.

I didn't leave you musicians out either. You are welcome to help out as well. Also, I something special for you guys. I have a drop box for everyone that wants to submit mp3s for us to review and promote. I will also keep you guys updated on Compilation CDs available for submitting your work and possibly getting stuff on Itunes and different Online and Pysical Retailers for free. As far as retaining the rights and getting royalties for the placement, it will vary, depending on who is releasing the Comp CD. If I do a Comp CD for the different submissions on Here, I will state the fine print when I open the box up for Comp submissions. It will be different everyimte; Sometimes It will be a Free Download, Sometimes I will ask the submissions to be donations for a Compilation to go to a specific cause, such as a Compilation to raise money for awareness for a charity.

I am Working on a simpler way for everyone else to Submit their art. Until then, Emailing the Art to us will have to do. You will retain all the rights, for those of you who are worried about that.

Keeping Creating!


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Designers are artists too......

This blog is DEFINITELY a work in progress, and I've forgot to add a facet of art that makes the internet as interesting as it is; Digital design. I'm also going to add one for interior design and fashion Design as this Blog evolves into what it is destined to become... I dont know what, exactly, but I hope it becomes something wonderful. Until then, Check out the Links on the side, starting with this one, which was started by one of the most interesting people I've stumbled upon. I check the people who follow the blog's twitter account, in search of people to interveiw, blogs to follow, and articles to both post and tweet about, and this guy, his sites, and his business ventures certainly interest me. Check out his website Here, and in my Designer Resources.

Don't forget to Follow me on twitter, and to submit your art for FREE PROMOTION!!!!


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Choosing a Genre to Write (Screenwriting)

Here's a very imformative peice on Choosing a genre to write as a screenwriter, aloing with the pros and cons of being typecasted as a certain type of writer.

Check it out, brought to you by the fine folks at ScreenWriting Goldmine.

Dont forget to turn it your art for free promotion!!


Banking For Musicians

Doug Ross, who writes a great blog about managing money for musicians, wrote this GREAT article about Banking and Musicians, two subjects that don't seem to go together, but SHOULD. Check out the Article, as well as the rest of his blog.

Don't Forget, If youre a musician, Director, or other type of Media Artist, Submit your work for FREE promotion!!!


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Actors, Writers and Directors on Twitter

I was looking through my Blogs, catching up with them after three days for straight work, and Fellow Southern Gothic Production Follower SolShine7 at her Blog ReelArtsy posted this article up, and thought it was MEGA useful. Twitter is a very useful way to network, and I highly suggest using it.

Movie Directors, Writers and Actors on Twitter

Dont Forget to Follow Us on Twitter by Clicking the box to the right, and Dont forget to sumbit your ART!!


Friday, March 6, 2009

Recording Acoustic Guitar Properly

I was engineering some songs for two of my artist, and noticed that they both have bedroom recorded guitar tracks. Now, there is nothing wrong with this at all, and for artists, whose main preoccupation is NOT how to record guitar, and rather how to properly relay their message to the audience, they were decently recorded tracks. For those of you who Self-Engineer yourselves, because either you can't afford studio time, or simply like working of stuff on your own, here are some GREAT articles that I always refer back to when recording guitar, as well as some tips on Compression and EQing Acoustic Guitars.

As Always, You can submit your music for non-biased crituique, promotion, and even an interview, if requested...


Thursday, March 5, 2009


Thanks for visiting Media Frontline! I designed this blog to be a stepping stone for Artists to promote their work, as well as learn valuable tips and techniques for bettering their craft. This Place welcomes artists of all types, so don't feel afraid to submit your work to the email below. We will promote your art, and review it (if requested) and even Interview the artist if requested.... Be sure to check back often for plenty of Tips to get yourself noticed as an artist, as well as ways to promote and shop yourself as an artist!



Submit Your Art!!

Are you a Musician, Actor, Screenwriter, Photographer, or another form of artist? Submit your Art Here!! We will display, Review, and Help Promote your Craft!! Just let us know what you are interested in by Emailing Us at: If you a Musician, However, Use the DROPBOX BELOW! Those tracks will go Directly To us!
Send me your track

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